Friday, October 21, 2011

Long Time No Post...

Sorry about that. Things are a little busy around.

I am not going to try to update you on all of the happenings since my last post. That is way too much! Charlie has gone from a slowly walking baby to an extremely fast kid with a sense of humor and an attitude.

Yes... an attitude. That girl can pitch a fit like no baby I know. One minute she is perfectly happy and then next she is screaming and I am trying not to yell. This seems to only happy when I am around though. Everyone else who keeps her tells me that she is perfect. But I know all of them have seen her get crazy mad over something not so crazy.

There are some really good things though... Like language. Her language skills are developing quite well. She can pretty much tell me what she wants (and then tell me how mad she is when she can't have it). She knows what an owl, dog, cat and snake say. (These are pretty cute if I do say so myself). She is especially good at the owl. I love owls and her room has a lot of owl stuff. Even her highchair has owls on it. Every time we sit down to eat she points to the owls and says "whoo whoo."

(Saying "Whoo Whoo")

On a different note...

Last week we changed daycares. It has been a magically wonderful change. It costs less, it opens later (therefore I go into work later-yay for me), it is a larger room with fewer kids, there are chickens, goats and snakes, they do art everyday and Charlie seems to love it. I didn't the daycare we were using was bad, but there are so many good things about this new one. I can already tell a difference in her behavior and her language. It is pretty impressive.

Well, I am seriously going to try to keep this blog updated. I like doing it, but I never have time and I like sleep.

'Till next time...

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