Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I have never really made a huge deal out of Valentine's Day. It is a little bit of a silly holiday. However, now that Charlie is in my life I have a whole new reason to enjoy Valentine's Day.

I wanted to buy all the cute stuff in the store for her... even if is was a little to big for her. I just wanted it all. I ended up buying her a few things... I didn't wrap them up or have her open them. I will next year. I think Valentine's Day will have a whole new meaning for a while.

Last night Tallon decided he wanted to have dinner together. We didn't really feel like cooking after a long day at work. So on his lunch break he went to the store to buy a variety of easy dinner making supplies. As I fed and put Charlie to bed he started preparing our easy Valentine's Day dinner. When I got done with my shower I went to the kitchen to find a candle lit meal of microwaved lasagna, salad, a bowl full of these weird dried snap pea things (they were tasty) and less than ten dollar dollar champagne. It was perfect. Simple and cheap. I loved it. I like that he really tried to do something special for me, but also knew that something elaborate would just irritate me. We were done eating by 8:00 and able to cuddle up on the couch to watch some TV.

Love Them!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Seven Months Old

Charlie has made it to the 7 month mark. It seems like after seven months it goes by even faster. I know people that have seven month old babies and before you know it they are a year old. I know it is going to go by so fast... I have even started planning her first birthday party. It's going to be a pool party!

She does something new almost every day. Right now she is showing signs of crawling. She hasn't quite figured it out, but I know she will get there soon enough. I am actually watching her try to do it now. She starts out in a sitting position, puts her hands on the floor, twists a little and ends up on her belly... which she hates. She then cries a little and I put her back in the sitting position. I know it be long before she is crawling all over the house and making messes. I am excited and worried about when this day comes.

She is a good sleeper at this point. She goes between taking three short naps and two longer naps during the day. Either way she gets a good amount of sleep during the day and sleeps great at night. We rarely have to get up with her at night. Every once in a while she will wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes she quickly gets herself back to sleep and sometimes we have to go in her room to comfort her. She normally doesn't cry when she wakes up. She just babbles in her crib until we come get her. She is still going to bed around 7:00pm and waking up around 6:30 or 7:00am. It's not too bad... especially since I get up fairly early anyway.

She eats great! I read all this stuff about how they won't really get all that much food in their mouth and that it was just practice. We never really had that... She has always been able to eat from a spoon quite well. She eats a new vegetable every week (I think we are running out of vegetables now). She eats the vegetable around lunch time and eats cereal in the evening, as well as bottles throughout the day. I can't for the day to come where she just eats regular food.

She tries to repeat things like "mama" "baba" and "dada" but she normally just gets "baba" out clearly. However, when we are not trying to get her to repeat us she says them all. I know she is not calling me "mama" but it makes me feel pretty special. When I leave the room she normally says "mama" over and over... I like to think she is calling for me.

She is a very curious baby. She watches everything and when she gets a hold of some she examines it thoroughly. I know when she starts crawling will have our hands full. She will be into everything. I probably should start baby proofing a little more.

This is her pre-crawling maneuver. She eventually just ends up on her belly and mad.