Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I have never really made a huge deal out of Valentine's Day. It is a little bit of a silly holiday. However, now that Charlie is in my life I have a whole new reason to enjoy Valentine's Day.

I wanted to buy all the cute stuff in the store for her... even if is was a little to big for her. I just wanted it all. I ended up buying her a few things... I didn't wrap them up or have her open them. I will next year. I think Valentine's Day will have a whole new meaning for a while.

Last night Tallon decided he wanted to have dinner together. We didn't really feel like cooking after a long day at work. So on his lunch break he went to the store to buy a variety of easy dinner making supplies. As I fed and put Charlie to bed he started preparing our easy Valentine's Day dinner. When I got done with my shower I went to the kitchen to find a candle lit meal of microwaved lasagna, salad, a bowl full of these weird dried snap pea things (they were tasty) and less than ten dollar dollar champagne. It was perfect. Simple and cheap. I loved it. I like that he really tried to do something special for me, but also knew that something elaborate would just irritate me. We were done eating by 8:00 and able to cuddle up on the couch to watch some TV.

Love Them!

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