A year ago today Tallon and I drove to the hospital a couple and two days later came home a family of three. It was scary, exciting and scary. I was so nervous to be a mom... and a working mom. I knew it would be a lot to balance and I knew that I would struggle. I also knew that I would love that baby more than anything. I was right about all those things.

Charlie has gone from an 8 pound 10 ounce screaming blob to a 25 pound walking monster that is really really cute and funny. She is an incredible little thing that makes me smile several times a day. When I see her through the daycare window every night when I pick her up I smile so big. She just makes me so happy.
She has already developed quite the personality. She gets frustrated easily, but she also laughs at almost everything. She signs lots of words and is starting to say a few. The best one right now is "Hi!" She normally says it when no one can hear it but me and while looking out a window. She waves at everything... people, toys, sippy cups, pacifiers, etc. She loves to dance. She dances to just about anything, even the washing machine. She knows how to turn on the record player and knows the best buttons to push on her toys. She follows the dogs around with one finger in the air saying "NO, NO, NO!" or at least something that sounds like no. When she takes the first bite of her food she says "MMMmmmm..." and then she stuffs it all in her face like she hasn't eaten days.
I still check on her before I go to be at night. I want to make sure she is covered up and sleeping soundly. I still cherish the night time bottle. It is such a special moment and a great way to end my day. I know in just a few shorts months she will no longer have that night time bottle. I think I will have a harder time with that she will. I stopped questioning everything I do and just go with my instinct. I have gone from being completely unsure to... less unsure. There is so much I still have to learn about this sweet baby, but I'm content with my knowledge for know. I am sure I will need to seek out more information when she is around 13... I'm scared for when that happens.
She is such a sweet girl and I know she will grow up to do great things. It is so amazing how much she has learned in just one year. These next few years are going to fly by. Before I know it we will be taking first day of school pictures and I will crying while I look through the little window on the door of her classroom... she will be so embarrassed.
Until then I will keep smiling at the happy dancing baby that we call Charlie.
Happy First Birthday, Charlie! I love you so very much.
beautiful post. great pictures!