Okay... maybe not no sleep... but we have had less sleep over the past month.
Charlie took to eating foods quite well, but her tummy did not. Over the past month her sleeping patterns have changed. I thought it was growth spurt or possibly teething. As we increased the solid foods the night wakings increased. Last weekend we a few bad nights. Saturday she stayed at my mom's and around 6:00pm she started screaming. Charlie rarely cries... so when I called my mom and heard Charlie in the background I got very concerned. We rushed over there, but by that time she had calmed down enough to go to sleep. It was obvious her stomach was hurting.
On Sunday Tallon and I decided not give her any solid foods for the day... mostly to give her tiny tummy a break. That night she slept so much better. I think she only woke up once... I gave her the pacifier and rolled over and went right back to sleep for the rest of the night.
We have not given her solid foods all week... in result we have had no night wakings. She is sleeping from 7:00pm until 6:30am without even a peep. It's amazing. However, I do feel really bad for feeding her so much. She seemed to really like to eat... so I kept feeding her. I feel like I have been torturing her tummy for over a month. We decided to keep her off solid foods for a week or two and then we will start back at the beginning. I will start again with cereal. I will give her smaller portions and fewer servings. Hopefully by 6 months I will get this figured out. I want her to eat solid foods, but I really don't want her stomach to hurt - and the sleeping is good too.
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