Thursday, March 10, 2011

C C C Crawling

As you know Charlie has started to crawl. A week ago she figured it out... I am so happy. I love every time she hits a milestone. However, this milestone has also come with a lot of frustration... for both of us. She gets frustrated when I tell her no and I get frustrated when she gets so upset. I don't have to tell he no often (yet), but when I do she really hates it. Last night she even threw a little bit of a fit. She was trying to get some cords that are on the ground in the TV room (yes, i know, I need to baby proof on) and I kept telling her no. The first time I told her no she just looked at me and then reached for the cords again. The next time I told her now she fussed a little. Around the fourth or fifth no she became quite unhappy. She turned away from me, cried and started flapping her arms in frustration. It seemed like the rest of the night (about 45 minutes) she was mad. There was no pleasing her.

Also, with crawling comes a sleepy baby. Charlie doesn't sleep all that much at daycare. When she is home on the weekends she takes two two hour long naps. However, when she is at daycare she only takes two 45 minute or less naps a day. She sleeps great a night though, so I can't really complain. This hasn't been too much of a problem until this last week. She is SO tired at the end of the day. There have three days this week that she was sleeping when I picked her up from daycare. She tends to fall asleep on the way home, but used to she would wake up as soon as I would take her out of the car... not any more. When she wakes up after he car nap she is quite cranky. She does okay for bath time, but once it is time to lotion up and get pajamas on she is mad! We make it though. Then it is time for a bottle and she passes out. The last two mornings we had to wake her up. That rarely happens. I wonder what she will do this weekend when the time changes...

(my sleepy baby)

I know that she will soon balance out and things will get smoother. I also know that she will start hitting milestones pretty regularly now. I am looking forward to the pulling up, cruising, walking and talking. I know all these things will have their frustrations, but they also mean she is a happy, healthy and growing baby.

She is perfect and I love everything about her. She is the most wonderful thing that could have happened to me. Perfect.

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